Hello friends I am going to share these tips and tricks for Windows 11 which will increase your battery life and also increase battery backup.  All the settings I am going to mention work 100%.  When you set all these settings, your battery backup will increase by 20 to 30% or (30-60 min).  I am going to tell you total 5 settings in this article.  You may know two or maximum three of these but the two settings I am going to tell you are very important.  

The headings of all these settings are given below -

1. Always Auto on Battery Saver.  
2. Airplane Mode 
3. Turn off Animation Effect (IMP*) 
4. Display Refresh Rate.  
5. Antivirus software

1. Always Auto on Battery Saver. 

Click on the sound option at the bottom right corner then you will see the battery saver feature, right click on it next click on go to setting, after you are scroll down you see battery option then you can click battery saver Turn ON automatically option.

what does battery saver do ?

2. Airplane Mode 

Always ON Airplane mode.

3. Turn off Animation Effects (IMP*) 

Click on the sound option on the right side of the taskbar, then you will see the accessibility feature, right click on it, then click on go to settings, then you will see many settings, there you will see the visual effects setting, click on it, then after going to it, you will see animations.  You can turn off the effects feature.  

** When you turn off this feature, you may not see any animation effects in Windows 11, but after two-three days it will become Windows friendly. 

 Click on below link to know what is animation effect in Windows 11 Click here

4. Display Refresh Rate.  

If your laptop display comes with higher refresh rate like 144hz, 90hz then you can go to display settings and set your display to 60 or 90hz to save battery.

For this you have to go to the search box of the window. The search box is in the taskbar. After clicking, search for display settings. After going to the display settings, scroll a bit. You will see the advanced display setting. If your display is 144hz then do 90hz and if you have a 90hz display then you can do 60hz.

5. Antivirus software

If you have downloaded other antivirus software and you don't use much browsing or any cracked software, then Microsoft Windows Antivirus is more than enough. An extra antivirus software can increase your battery life as well as CPU usage, so you get low battery backup. Microsoft Antivirus software for Windows 11 is very well developed nowadays and you can trust it and Uninstall Extra Antivirus Software.

These are the TOP 5 Simple Tips and Tricks for Windows 11 To Save Power for Laptop.